Student Thanks

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I just wanted to thank you for your instruction this semester! It was my first and only semester taking so many Philosophy classes, and I wish I could have taken more before I graduated! Anyways, I really appreciated the classes you taught and how you taught them. I learned a lot and grew an even stronger appreciation for reading, learning, and the new ways of thinking about different issues in the world. Thank you so much and I wish you well in future classes you teach!
— Zach
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I just finished Plato’s The Republic, and I remembered you saying that in the tenth book it discusses poetry. He says that the poet is the second imitator of the form. For God makes Table and a craftsman makes a table but the poet discusses the table. He warns that the poet must be stripped of his colorful rhetoric to see the truth in his statements.

I thought this was related to our talk on Beyonce and how her art turns into activism or her art is activism. It was nice to hear Plato’s opinion on this. As well, I just thought I’d let you know that your class has provided with more thought in my other readings. Thank you for that. 
— Chasen
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I hope finals week is going well for you! I came across this video and it made me think of the Theories of Sex and Gender class. I don’t know if you have already seen it, but if not, it would have been a decent show-and-tell. Thank you for this semester! 
— Liam
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I hope all is going well with classes, research, and ethics bowl. Thought I’d share a relevant thoughtpiece
— Patrick
I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful class this last semester. I feel that I have learned to think for myself in politics and to form educated opinions. I have learned to try to understand both sides of an issue, which is very important, and have come to understand that there is not always a clear cut answer. I am so grateful for the papers and the writing workshops, as I feel that also helped me study the topics more in depth, which allowed me to understand more of the concept. I loved your class, and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to take it. Thank you.

— Stephanie
I’m a former student, but I was just watching The Good Place on Netflix (you should check it out) and the ethics discussions on the show reminded me of you. I just wanted you to know that even though I wasn’t the best student, you made an impact on me, and I really appreciate the effort you put into your ethics class.
— Grant